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'The Cove at Vintage' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
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Amid the lush, manicured, oasis-like setting of the ultra exclusive Southern California “Vintage Club,” four of golf’s all time masters meet to compete with each other and themselves in achieving the elusive goal of perfection. Watched by Gary Player, (in trademark black), Billy Casper and Arnold Palmer, the inimitable Sam Snead tee’s off.
The superb setting of sweeping greens, set within sight of the Majestic Santa Rosa mountains, is the site of the annual Senior’s Tournament, first held in 1980. These lush 712 acres, surrounded by million dollar homes, is one of golfing’s most beautiful courses.
The “Cove” is the central feature of the design of this club. The limpid water of the cove reflects the spectacular blues of the desert skies, and is home to flocks of beautiful white ducks, faithfully captured by Neiman, who, dressed in white with sketchbook in hand, appears at the “Cove” in the center of the action.
With an acute eye for the dramatics of the sports, and orchestrating a carefully chosen palate of colors, LeRoy continues his tradition of great golfing graphics.
Many of the earlier golfing pieces, “The 16th at Cypress,” “U.S. Open at Oakmont,” and the “18th at Pebble Beach” are now avidly sought after by collectors.
LeRoy Neiman’s ability to combine elegance and strength, pastoral beauty and the hidden fierceness of competition, culminates in icons of sporting ideals. Amid the wide span of his chosen subjects, Neiman’s sporting scenes fill a niche in art history uniquely his own.
He is the greatest sports artist of all time. No other artist today dares to compete with Neiman in an arena that he has dominated for so long.
No major sporting event today is complete unless Neiman captures it for all time. Long after the players and teams are gone, his masterful recreations of their finest moments will enshrine their achievements in private and public collections worldwide.

'International Foursome' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
Edition of 600
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Fans of the sport of golf, as well as international collectors of the works of America's greatest serigrapher have always eagerly awaited LeRoy's golfing pieces. They have prove to be the most successful of all his sport themes, with such extremely popular earlier works as, “The 18th Hole at Pebble Beach”, “The 16th at Cypress” and “Golf Threesome” leading the list of quickly sold out and rapidly appreciating editions.
On a visit to fantastic Rio, the artist discovered a beautiful and exotic golf course in an extraordinary setting - at the foot of the Great Gavia Rock. Gavia is as loved by the Cariocas as Pao de Acucar (Sugarloaf) or the Corcovado (Christ statue) atop Hunchback Mountain.
The neatly clipped links are carved out of a verdant profusion of tropical growth. And the towering majesty of Gavia dominates the scene, piercing the sky above the players on the green.
Neiman decided to balance the composition by selecting four internationally acclaimed stars for the foreground. From left to right: Nick Faldo of Great Britain (this course was originally built by English residents who still proudly maintain the club), Spain's Seve Ballesteros (silently urging the ball toward the cup), (Bernard Langer, from Germany, (carefully following Ballesteros' put), and Australian Greg Norman from “Down-Under” (tall, handsome and ramrod straight). The Carioca caddies in their traditional white overalls and sandals look on respectfully.
The weather is ideal, the course tranquil and uncrowded. No tournament gallery interrupts the stillness. The artist has carefully crafted an image without extraneous subjects. We are left with the indelible impression he intended—great golf and the serenity of Great Gavia.

'Diamond Head – Hawaii' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
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During Mr. Neiman’s visit to Hawaii in 1985, Dr. Bill Mett, a longtime friend of the artist, encouraged the artist to create a painting representative of the 50th state’s beauty and grandeur. The artist was entranced by the beauty and legends of Diamond Head, and the spectacle of the superb arc of beach known to millions of residents and visitors alike as Waikiki.
Once the playground of Hawaiian Royalty, where surfing on huge koa wood boards was forbidden to commoners, Waikiki has now become the world's number one tourist destination; a mecca for sun worshippers, surfers, and watchers of beautiful people.
The backdrop for the sandy festivities is Diamond Head. Known as Lae'Ahi to the ancient Hawaiians, it has been perfectly captured in its lush tropical splendor by Neiman. The site of age old Hawaiian shrines, the first traditional home of Pele, the ancient Goddess of Fire, World War II fortifications, and the elegant estates of the international jet-set, Diamond Head is the symbol of Hawaii, the most favorite landmark in the state.
Named Diamond Head by English sailors who mistook common calcite crystals on its slopes for precious diamonds, Diamond Head has become a magnet firing the imaginations of dreamers of paradise worldwide.
Ringed by a elegant circle of luxury hotels, the beach at Waikiki as seen in "Diamond Head -Hawaii" through a waving screen of palms is the ultimate see-and-be-seen spot in the Pacific.
Bodies glistening with the latest scientific tan enhancers, the modern day sun worshippers are caught mid-ritual as they turn to follow the sun across the azure sky.
Garbed in flowing muumuus (the missionary's idea of haute-couture), a trio of Hawaiian ladies of ample stature and long experience in the way of the visitors, serenade the beach goers.

'Napoleon At Waterloo' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
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In June 1815, on the gently rolling Belgian fields of Waterloo, Napoleon, aging and world weary, matched troops and wits with the Duke of Wellington in one of history's pivotal battles. This titanic contest between two powerful armies and their charismatic commanders resulted in unprecedented carnage. After Waterloo, the little Corsican, a general from the age of 26, would never again raise an army to threaten Europe. Paradoxically, his name would live on in history to tower over that of his conqueror, Wellington.
“Napoleon At Waterloo” depicts a stirring scene from this epic battle. Napoleon, seated on his favorite white charger, Desiree, surveys the fighting around him. His face is set - grim with the realization that defeat is imminent. At Napoleon's side is his favorite General, Ney, straining to control his rearing horse. The French cannon thunder in rage, raising billows of color among the enemy troops. In the distance Wellington can be seen, exhorting his Scottish guard. Despite withering British fire, Napoleon's valiant soldiers continue to hold high the blue, blanc, et rouge of the famous French tricolor flag.
In order to capture the spirit of the site, Neiman traveled to Waterloo and walked the battlefield. "Despite the enormity and importance of the battle," he noted, "the actual site is not much bigger than a golf course."

'The Bourse' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
Size unknown.
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“The Bourse,” also known as the Paris Stock Exchange, represents what Neiman considers to be his “continuing fascination with the world of gambling,” however different this arena is from the glitter and opulence of the more traditional international gaming rooms.
From Café Vaudeville, a favorite spot of Neiman’s, he had a panoramic view of the imposing facade of the great “Palais de la Bourse” and was inspired to further investigate the floor of the exchange firsthand.
Built between 1808 and 1826, “The Bourse” was designed by one of the great French architects, Brongniart, who was commissioned by Napoleon I to design the building.
The frenzied activity which Neiman observed is captured in this interior scene of the great hall. In the center of the image is the circular handrail called the corbelle, which means the basket. Brokers who hold seats on the exchange congregate there to trade the cream of the stocks. The action around the corbelle consists of two signals, one for selling and one for buying, and deals are consummated by throwing slips of paper into the center of the circle.
Beyond the cordbelle are four gigantic billboards, all decked out in different colored placards imprinted with company names, and it is here that the greatest volume of trading takes place.
In “The Bourse,” Neiman has communicated, through his colors and his forms, the action and drama of not only the stock exchange, but a lifestyle.

'Red Square Panorama' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
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In 1988, the Soviet Minister of Culture invited LeRoy Neiman to Russia for a major exhibition of his art. Once again, art transcends political doctrines and speaks its international language to all men, whatever their beliefs.
At the center of the Soviet Union - Moscow; at its very heart - Red Square. The epic Kremlin walls dominate the Square, home to Czars and Commissars alike. Founded in 1156, the Kremlin and the Square it dominates has been the seat of government and the setting for much of Russia's momentous and tumultuous history.
LeRoy Neiman's newest serigraph, "Red Square" fully captures the majesty of this internationally famous site. Using a fiery palette to capture the pageantry of buildings and banners, contrasted by the cool greensward within the walls and the soft blues of the Moscow River, LeRoy’s "Red Square Panorama" is an epic visualization of the site, and also brings to life the history of this fabled locale.
The golden onion-shaped domes of Cathedrals, chapels and royal residences contribute their unique profiles to capture the flavor of Russia, old and new, for Red Square was also the spiritual center of the pre-revolution Russia, the Vatican of the Russian Orthodox faith. At its heart, St. Basil's, the Cathedral of the Intercession. A multi-tower domed and cupolaed Byzantine fantasy rich with unexpected color, and filled with the magic of beliefs half remembered.
At the base of the Cathedral, a religious procession enters the Cathedral precincts. Garbed in the somber colors of the land, staunch believers practice their faith in defiance of the official party views on religion.
Opposite the Cathedral, Spassky Tower soars heaven high. Neiman has stopped it's clock at 6:50, the exact time of Lenin's death.
Red Square continues even today to be the center of the Russian universe. Witness to the pageantry of Imperial processions and the enthronement of metropolitans of the Orthodox faith, it is also the site of Lenin's tomb, the focal point for the Soviet's historical reverence for the leader of the 1917 Revolution.
Only LeRoy Neiman could capture the diverse visual and emotional force of this site. Although through Western eyes, he has captured in "Red Square Panorama" the spirit of Russia, the old and the new. The special relationship between the Russian people and Red Square, whose Russian name once was translated as "the beautiful," form the focus of Neiman 's "Panorama," as the glory of time and place enfolds us in the magic of this captured timeless moment.

'American Gold' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.
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Continuing his Olympic tradition, Neiman has created an imaginative vision of America’s 1984 gold medalist. Juxtaposed against a panoply of vividly painted national flags and a sprawling Los Angeles at the bottom of the composition, are America’s own golden athletes in action – leaping, diving, swimming, running.
Specifically depicted are:
Greg Louganis – Executing one of his graceful and award-winning dives.
Steve Hegg – Cycling for the Gold.
Tiffany Cohen – Splashing her way to victory.
Edward Moses – Coming off a hurdle as quick as mercury.
Mark Breland – Furthering his knock-out career by doing his best
Joan Benoit – A champion of endurance and tenacity.
Evelyn Ashford - Courageously recovering from hamstring injuries and brilliantly maintaining her sprinting superiority.
Mitch Gaylord – Soaring into the upper right part of the image.
Carl Lewis – Star of the Olympics, seen completing his classic jump in the center of this image. Lewis truly measured up to his own and his country’s expectations!
Mary Lou Retton – America’s sweetheart and the darling of the games – displaying her explosive power and graceful movements.

'Opening Ceremonies XXXIII Olympics' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman. All serigraphs are sold unframed.

'Olympics' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman.
Size unknown.

'The President’s Birthday Party' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman.
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On may 19, 1962, Madison Square Garden was filled with more than seventeen thousand well-wishers honoring President John F. Kennedy, Jr. on the occasion of his forty-fifth birthday. LeRoy Neiman’s remarkable serigraph freezes in time this historic moment and the extraordinary celebrants in attendance. The music world sent its finest to the party: Bobby Darrin, Maria Callas, Ella Fitzgerald and Harry Belafonte all sang that unforgettable night. But the evening is perhaps best remembered for the beauty and presence of the incomparable Marilyn Monroe. Neiman has placed her in the foreground, singing “Happy Birthday” to the obvious delight of Kennedy and his admirers.
They included the most prominent figures of the day. Lyndon Johnson would assume the presidency scarcely eighteen months later. JFK’s brothers Bobby and Teddy were present, and Neiman has captured in their likenesses the clear-cut features and expansive smiles so unique to the Kennedy clan. Adlai Stevenson, Ambassador to the United Nations, New York City Mayor Robert Wagner and Madison Square Garden Chairman Irving Mitchell Felt all graced the dais as well.
John F. Kennedy, like LeRoy Neiman, is known as a master of style and efficiency, eloquent communicator. Kennedy used lean, touch oratory to convey his unique outlook on life. Neiman, as can be seen in “The President’s Birthday Party,” makes particular good use of incisive, vigorous brushwork and a special sensitivity to color to share his artistic insight.
Without a doubt, “The President’s Birthday Party” has been one of the most important serigraphs of Mr. Neiman’s career.

'Robert Kennedy' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman.
Size unknown.

'Races' by leRoy Neiman
Limited edition serigraph, numbered and hand signed by leRoy Neiman.
Size unknown.
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